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what are java identifiers

what are java identifiers

what are java identifiers

Identifier :

A name in java program is called identifier. It can be label name, variable name,method name and class name   .

class ABC
public static void main(String[] args)
int x=10;

Principles or Rules to define java identifiers:

Principle 1:

The only permitted characters in java identifiers are:
1) a to z
2) A to z
3) 0 to 9

Principle  2: If we are using any other character then we can get compile time error.
total number------valid

Principle  3: java identifiers are not allowed to starts with digit.
1) ABC123----------valid
2) 123ABC----------invalid

Principle  4: The identifiers are case sensitive up course java language itself treated as case sensitive language.
class ABC
int number=10;
int Number=20:
int NUMBER=20;         //we can differentiate with case.
int NuMbEr 30;

Principle  5: There is no length limit for java identifiers but it is not advised to take more than 15 lengths.

Principle  6: We cannot use reserved words as identifiers.
int if=10;----------invalid

Principle  7: All predefined java class names and interface names we use as java identifiers.

Example 1:
class ABC
public static void main (String[] args) 
int String=10;


Example 2:
class ABC
public static void mainString[] args)
int Runnable=10;


Even though it is legal to use class names and interface names as identifiers but it is not a good idea for programming practice.

Which of the following are valid java identifiers?
1) $_ (valid)
2)Ca$h (valid)
3)Java2share (valid)
4)all@hands (invalid)
5)123abc (invalid)
6)Total# (invalid)
7)Int (valid)
8)Integer (valid)
9)int (invalid)
10) tot123

Today's inspirational quotes: 

"Don't limit your challenges, just challenge your limits. "

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Happy Reading.Happy Learning!!! See you in next post :)

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